30 Ideas to Jump-start Your Photo Theme Project

Variety, not only the spice of life, is also one of the most beautiful things about the art form of photography; the number of possible subjects for a photo is almost limitless.  There are formats, within forms and within disciplines, and all we need to create a work of art is an idea, which can come to us at any time and in many ways.


Unfortunately, like with any creative medium, photographers can experience a block, or lack of ideas for a subject.

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Understanding and Working With Natural Light to Get Stellar Pictures Every Time

Understanding the different forms of light is one of the keys to achieving good photographs, as photography is all about light. For most photographers, the most available light, the one that is free, is natural light.

To learn how to get the most of natural light requires a lot of observing and practicing, but once you understand how to work effectively with available light, you will see how much it improves your photography.

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Mastering Self-Portraiture II: Various and Stellar Kinds of Self-Portraits

Do you want to take your self-portrait,but still don’t know where to start ? Don’t worry!

Have your latest attempts been a little boring? Trust us. It’s normal.

The first self-portraits you take might be out of focus, boring or nothing out of the ordinary. But keep this in mind: Practice makes perfect. Keep shooting, and don’t be afraid to ask for a critique!

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Mastering Self-Portraiture: What You Need to Get Started

With the rapid increase in the immediate smartphone-picture “selfie,” it’s hard not to start taking your own. Self-portraits are, after all, the new trend . They are almost always the default profile picture, and super convenient when you have nothing else to do .

girl self portrait

For photographers, this poses another question: Should I take a professional self-portrait?

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Fisheye Photography: 9 Shots That Work Amazingly Well

Photographs from a fisheye lens look different, which can be a good or not-so-good thing.

This uber-wide angle lens let’s you get super close to your subject, yet still see the background. It’s an unusual perspective you can’t get with any other lens. But there are challenges, too. The edges are distorted, which makes some shots look weird, but below, you’ll see nine shots that work for this oddball lens.

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The Ultimate Five Secrets to Better-Looking Photographs

All photographers want their snapshots to turn out extremely well. This means pictures that are sharp, aesthetically appealing and sure to impress. Of course, many photographers don’t consistently turn out this type of quality in their photographs. These days, so many people are also pressed for time that they don’t really have the time or patience to study the masters until they perfect the techniques of taking better-looking photographs.

Fortunately for you, we now offer you the five secrets to better-looking photographs. You’d be surprised at how easily you can get to this level of photography. You don’t need to take an expensive course, neither do you have to spend years perfecting the art form. It all really comes down to knowledge being power.

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8 Reasons We’re Looking Forward to Springtime Photography

Ah, the changing of the seasons. For us photographers, most seasonal changes bring about opportunities to take great photos under differing conditions, and usually no change is more dramatic than the transition from winter to spring.  The world thaws into a new and color-dripped landscape, ripe for capturing its natural beauty through springtime photography.

There is always an influx of changes to flora and fauna, and a burst of color is injected into the landscape. There really is no better time to get out there and start shooting, so come out of hibernation and walk with us as we explore eight solid reasons to be excited about the coming spring and what it can do for your landscape and nature photography!

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5 Street Portrait Tips to Overcome Your Fear of Approaching Strangers

It can be scary to start taking street portraits, especially if you’re an introvert. You like being quiet, people are busy and you don’t want to bother anyone.

But you’re a photographer, so you see all of these “decisive moments,” and every time they slip away, it hurts a little.

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10 Highly Useful Photography Lessons You Can Learn Today From YouTube

It doesn’t matter if you are a beginner or a professional photographer: Learning and perfecting your technique will help you be a better one!

Being a photographer is more than shooting and uploading pictures. As in almost any other profession, any good photographer should stay up-to-date with the market and master his skills.

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Sequence Photography Tutorial to Take Your Sports Photography to a Whole, Nother Level

Sequence photography is a great tool to use when you need to have a more interesting shot to use, but it’s not always easy to do – to take a flawless sequence shot you’ll need to do as much work on the day as you will in Photoshop.

What you’ll need is:

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