10 Photo Sharing Websites That Will Supercharge Your Photography Presence

I’ll admit it, I’m a latecomer to the whole photography game.  I minored in it during college, but that ended up being a few classes using only black and white film cameras, darkroom fundamentals, film developing, and a dab of portrait basics.


When it was all said and done, I knew more about taking negatives and turning them into full 8 x 10 photos than about how to actually take a good photo to begin with.

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Size Doesn’t Matter: Capture DSLR-Quality Images with your Point-and-Shoot

DSLR or point-and-shoot? Digital SLR cameras are excellent, but they are geared for expert-level photographers, whether amateur or professional.

That hasn’t stopped their mainstream appeal, however—I’m sure you’ve seen people who lug along their DSLRs, and the only lens they have is the one it came with, and all of the settings are default. You may have also seen that rare beast, the lonely person who uses a DSLR to take self-shots.

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How to Master Sunrise Photography in the Most Effective Way Possible

As sunrise happens every day, most people fail to value it. If you think this way to, you’re missing a chance to shoot one of the most breathtaking pictures on Earth! People tend to be more captivated by sunset, however, sunrise seems like magic happening in front of your eyes – a new day is beginning.

As the darkness scatters and the sun starts to come up, you see the creeping rays of sunlight wallow everything in their shining glow.

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Backlit Photography 101: Secrets of Expressive Backlit Portraits

Do you want to avoid an overworked edit in order to obtain golden portraits with sunrays and lens flares? Shooting against the sun is challenging, however three factors and a bit of practice can easily transform your backlit photography.

One of the leading rules in elementary photography is to avoid shooting against the sun. Usually you will end up with either completely over exposed photographs, or a dark and indefinite shadow.

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The Awful Truth of Photo Theft, and What You Can Do About It

Stop what you’re doing for a second.

Think about how content you are with your photography. The accolades. The compliments. Even if you think the only person who really appreciates the results is you. Think about how much work you put in to get those things.

Experimentation with different filters, formats, and shooting locations, not to mention countless hours of post-processing and self-promotion on Flickr and the other 50 websites you keep your photos on.

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20 HDR Photography Tutorials to Learn This Technique in One Day

Applied with care, High Dynamic Range technique (HDR) can create amazingly beautiful photos which blur our sense of difference between reality and illusion.

The intention is to properly represent a wide range of intensity levels found on real scenes, ranging from deepest shadows to direct sunlights.

Traditionally, an HDR shot is achieved by taking multiple images with different exposures of the same scene and merging those photos together to get the best exposed parts of each on the final image. And the results can be really incredible.

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3 Tips to Ruin Your Photo with a Watermark

Strange as it may seem: photographers, who should be highly creative persons with fine artistic taste tend to be bloody awful designers.


But don’t get me wrong here. I’m not expecting someone to be able to design me an outstanding corporate logo just because he is a great photographer.

But the massacre begins even at the level of watermarking their own photos!

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8 Tips to Become Excellent at Minimalist Photography

As the statement goes, less is more. It could not apply more to the genre of minimalist photography. Of course, exact definition of minimalist photography may vary from person to person, but generally, this type of photography can be summed up in the following way.

In minimalist photography all of the attention is focused upon the photo subject (and it’s dramatically important) – without any elements on the image which may distract from the subject.

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5 Terrifying Photography Fears and How to Overcome Them Today

You’re walking down the street, sleek camera in hand. As luck would have it, a photogenic girl crosses your path, stopping at the curb long enough to pull her hair back. She is silhouetted against the glowing city light; this is the perfect photographic moment.

You reach for your camera, frame the shot, and…she’s gone. You didn’t hear the click of the shutter before she walked away, because you never pressed it. What just happened?

Fear, my friend. Fear.

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