7 Easy Steps To Take Your Photography Career To New Heights

We all know that being a successful professional photographer requires a lot of hard work, dedication, and a little bit of luck. The advice I hear most often is don’t bother trying, do it as a hobby. But for some of us, taking photos is something we have to do because there’s nothing else we’d rather be doing. So we decide to go pro.

But everyone has a camera these days, and almost anyone can take a solid photo. Put almost any dSLR on auto and point it at something interesting, and you’ll probably have a pretty good photo. How do you compete with a million people doing that, especially the ones calling themselves a professional photographer?

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11 Core Principles To Help You Win An International Fine Art Photography Award

Have you ever won a photography competition?

The answer, for most of us, is no. As with the lottery, we always enter with hope, but the reality is that the winners’ circle is a pretty exclusive club.

Photo by klairy

Why do we enter? Because we want to have our work seen by a wider audience. (Cash prizes and opportunities for exhibition are nice, too!).

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6 Easy Ways to Give your Photographs a Compelling Narrative

Everybody loves a good story. Knowing this fact is what separates a good photographer, from an exceptional one.

With this knowledge, a photographer has a whole breath of tools at their command to trap the viewer, and cause them to be spellbound!

Below I have listed 6 of the best ways to give your photographic approach the artistic edge of a compelling narrative that will galvanize your photography to the next level:

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How to Take Amazing, Beautiful Photos Any time of Day…or Night

When I first started in photography nineteen years ago, Photo Law dictated that you dare not show your face shooting outside after 8 a.m. or before 4:30 p.m. My Prime Appointment was 7 a.m. Well, I’m here to tell you , those days are over.

No one needs to get dressed up in their best clothes and drive an hour for a 7 a.m. appointment any more, because, you, the photographer, have all the power in your sweet little hand…and flash…and sometimes, even, your garage.

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SEO For Photographers Part 3: 5 Great Link Building Strategies

Why are link building strategies important? This is a common question and the answer has everything to do with how much weight the search engines place on different aspects of our SEO activities.


Although paying attention to your on-site search engine optimization is important, and it’s vital to select and use the right keywords for your photography business (see “SEO For Photographers, Part 2: Where To Use Your Keywords“), that only accounts for around 25% of the factors involved in your search engine ranking calculations.

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8 Places For Shooting You Have To Master Before Taking Your Camera Elsewhere

It happens to all of us. Regardless of experience or skill level, at some point, we’ve all thought, “I have no idea where to take pictures!”. We’ve run out of new, fresh ideas and are seriously considering abandoning any photography this weekend.

Of course, we know that we haven’t literally run out of locations to shoot, we just aren’t thinking (here comes a vastly overused cliché) “outside of the box”. We sometimes get stuck in a rut, and that rut can be partly determined by our surroundings..if you live by the ocean, chances are, you take a lot of beach shots, and might have trouble trying something new or different.

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How To End Exposure Problems and Master Metering Modes in 5 Minutes

You pull out an impressive piece of equipment. Her eyes widen. Did she lick her lips? The pressure’s on now. Yes, she definitely licked her lips. When you declare with total confidence, to a beautiful woman, that you’re a  photographer, there are potential benefits and downsides.

Suddenly she wants you to take photos of her in the night sky, with the Christmas lights in the background.

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5 Quick Ways to Improve your Beach Photography

According to NOAA, over 50% of the American population live within 50 miles of a coastline.  Which means more than half of us are only a day-trip away from the beach.  For photographers, this presents a ton of great photo ops.

Living half a mile from one of the top-rated beaches in the country myself, I’ve spent plenty of time attempting to capture the natural beauty I see.  And what have I discovered?  It ain’t easy!

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The Pro Photographers Guide to Black & White Vs Colour

Setting the tone of an image is arguably, the most important part of any photograph.

As the photographer, this choice can help to define your overall style; making your work instantly recognisable purely by the tone of your chosen medium.

You have to consider the composition, exposure and all those other technicalities. But it is how the subject is portrayed that gives an image its final lasting impression.

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