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6 Secret Photography Lighting Techniques For Capturing A Good Photo

Everyone loves to take pictures. With the easy availability of cheap DSLR cameras on the market and the advent of affordable photography gadgets, who wouldn’t right?

If you are one of those who loves photography, then you probably are already aware of one or two techniques to make your pictures look awesome! But if you’re looking to further improve your photography skills, then I have six photography lighting techniques to help take your pictures to the next level.

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Size Doesn’t Matter: Capture DSLR-Quality Images with your Point-and-Shoot

DSLR or point-and-shoot? Digital SLR cameras are excellent, but they are geared for expert-level photographers, whether amateur or professional.

That hasn’t stopped their mainstream appeal, however—I’m sure you’ve seen people who lug along their DSLRs, and the only lens they have is the one it came with, and all of the settings are default. You may have also seen that rare beast, the lonely person who uses a DSLR to take self-shots.

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Backlit Photography 101: Secrets of Expressive Backlit Portraits

Do you want to avoid an overworked edit in order to obtain golden portraits with sunrays and lens flares? Shooting against the sun is challenging, however three factors and a bit of practice can easily transform your backlit photography.

One of the leading rules in elementary photography is to avoid shooting against the sun. Usually you will end up with either completely over exposed photographs, or a dark and indefinite shadow.

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11 Core Principles To Help You Win An International Fine Art Photography Award

Have you ever won a photography competition?

The answer, for most of us, is no. As with the lottery, we always enter with hope, but the reality is that the winners’ circle is a pretty exclusive club.

Photo by klairy

Why do we enter? Because we want to have our work seen by a wider audience. (Cash prizes and opportunities for exhibition are nice, too!).

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12 Fantastic Deep Space Photos of the Planets

Some of the greatest human achievements have been the missions to explore the planets in our Solar System, and these endeavours have also produced some of the most important and visually stunning images in the history of photography.

This post brings together a showcase of some of the best planetary space photos starting with Mercury, the closest planet to the Sun, and working our way out to the very edge of the Solar System.

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8 Tips for Working with Models Every Photographer Should Know

Photographing people often requires a completely different bag of tricks compared to photographing landscapes or static objects.

As someone who personally loves taking candid shots, it’s taken me a lot of practice to get used to working with models in such a way that I get the perfect look and feel I want for my photo shoots every time.

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How To Photograph People You Meet While Traveling

Imagine this scenario: You’re walking down a side street in Bangkok in the late afternoon, and you pass by an old man sitting on his patio. He’s drinking a cup of tea and staring off into the distance, and he just exudes an aura of contentment. The light is perfect, and the viewfinder in your mind’s eye composes the perfect shot, but you hesitate.

You don’t want to disturb him, but you also don’t want to just start clicking away without his permission. Also, your Thai is mostly non-existent, and you probably couldn’t ask him for his picture even if you wanted to. So what do you do?

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Can You Take Great Photos With An Inexpensive Digital Camera?

There’s a myth out there, in the real world, that says “to take great photos, you have to have a great (read expensive) camera”. This has been a subject of debate for years amongst the gear heads and elitists in the world of photography. The bottom line: it’s simply not true. Anyone, anywhere, can make solid photos with just about anything that qualifies as a camera so long as you understand and apply the fundamentals of photography. If this wasn’t true, why is the iPhone the top camera used for photos submitted to Flickr?

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