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In addition to being a regular contributor at Photodoto, Tim is a web developer, photographer, and musician. He's also a gamer and retro/pop culture aficionado, and spends his days on the sunny West Florida coast. He maintains his website at TimGilbreath.com. You can also follow him on Twitter, . @SarasotaTim

Expand Your Arsenal with the 5 Most Popular Photography Techniques Today

Photography is like anything else in our culture; it tends to hold certain trends for periods of time, then changes based on variables around us.  Some trends can reappear, such as we’ve seen with the influx of “vintage” post-processing in the last few years.

Photo by Holunder

The style wasn’t imposed directly during the 60’s and 70’s, it was a result of the equipment, processing and photography techniques used at the time.  The idea became popular again in the last 5 years, and photographers began attempting to recreate those tones and colors using the more modern methods available to them.

Continue reading Expand Your Arsenal with the 5 Most Popular Photography Techniques Today

10 Photo Sharing Websites That Will Supercharge Your Photography Presence

I’ll admit it, I’m a latecomer to the whole photography game.  I minored in it during college, but that ended up being a few classes using only black and white film cameras, darkroom fundamentals, film developing, and a dab of portrait basics.


When it was all said and done, I knew more about taking negatives and turning them into full 8 x 10 photos than about how to actually take a good photo to begin with.

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The Photographic 100: One Hundred Places You Must Shoot Before You Die

They say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. And that is true of our subject today, a list to end all lists, and what I like to call the Photographic 100. WestCoasting 

Admittedly, I’m a bit of a foodie, and regularly read a few coffee and food blogs to get my fill of the subject.

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The Awful Truth of Photo Theft, and What You Can Do About It

Stop what you’re doing for a second.

Think about how content you are with your photography. The accolades. The compliments. Even if you think the only person who really appreciates the results is you. Think about how much work you put in to get those things.

Experimentation with different filters, formats, and shooting locations, not to mention countless hours of post-processing and self-promotion on Flickr and the other 50 websites you keep your photos on.

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5 Terrifying Photography Fears and How to Overcome Them Today

You’re walking down the street, sleek camera in hand. As luck would have it, a photogenic girl crosses your path, stopping at the curb long enough to pull her hair back. She is silhouetted against the glowing city light; this is the perfect photographic moment.

You reach for your camera, frame the shot, and…she’s gone. You didn’t hear the click of the shutter before she walked away, because you never pressed it. What just happened?

Fear, my friend. Fear.

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8 Places For Shooting You Have To Master Before Taking Your Camera Elsewhere

It happens to all of us. Regardless of experience or skill level, at some point, we’ve all thought, “I have no idea where to take pictures!”. We’ve run out of new, fresh ideas and are seriously considering abandoning any photography this weekend.

Of course, we know that we haven’t literally run out of locations to shoot, we just aren’t thinking (here comes a vastly overused cliché) “outside of the box”. We sometimes get stuck in a rut, and that rut can be partly determined by our surroundings..if you live by the ocean, chances are, you take a lot of beach shots, and might have trouble trying something new or different.

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5 Quick Ways to Improve your Beach Photography

According to NOAA, over 50% of the American population live within 50 miles of a coastline.  Which means more than half of us are only a day-trip away from the beach.  For photographers, this presents a ton of great photo ops.

Living half a mile from one of the top-rated beaches in the country myself, I’ve spent plenty of time attempting to capture the natural beauty I see.  And what have I discovered?  It ain’t easy!

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