To be on the beach in summer is relaxing, fun and beautiful. It is also a great idea to capture those happy moments in the photographs but if you are not sure where to begin from, you can actually fall victim to the stress. Therefore, you need to prepare well in advance about what you are going to do while on beach and think ahead about ideas, passes and pops for taking some spectacular beach photographs.

Following lines elaborate some effective tips that can help you to take great photographs while enjoying on the beach.
#1. Timing is Important
The best time to shoot at beach is one or two hours before sunset. At this time, you do not have to fight with harsh overhead light and the overall lighting is simply gorgeous. However, if you want to get the best portraits directly in front of water, shoot about 20 minutes before sunset. In fact, you can take splendid beach pictures at any time of the day but this is the perfect time to make them even more beautiful.

#2. Find a Versatile Beach
This is important as you need a beach that has more to offer than normal sand and water. Look for the beaches that offer different backdrops because they will provide you more versatility and variety. You need to find those locations that can add some texture, color and interest in your photographs like beaches having a lot of huts or a beautiful hotel in the background.

#3. Embrace the Haze
Most of the professional photographers do not love the haze that the ocean water brings in the picture but you have to learn to live with it. It might require more attention and different kind of processing as compared to other kind of lightings but can also add a careful whimsy feel to the pictures if done right.

#4. Use a Lens Hood
When it comes to haze, there can be too much of a good thing. Therefore, it is always advisable to use a lens hood in order to cut down some of the intense haze that you can encounter while taking photographs at a beach.

#5. Spot Metering
Spot metering can be really helpful for you when you are shooting with the sun at your back. This technique allows you to expose the face and still get much better results as compared to matrix or evaluating metering. Instead of having a subject with severely underexposed face, it is better to blow out some of the background. It can be a processing nightmare but it is definitely a highly effective technique to get the things right.

#6. Underexpose a bit
Similarly, you can also experiment with underexposing a bit to preserve the natural colors in the photographs. For instance, if the sky is magical at the time of photo session, you must display it in the pictures. Sometimes it is also good to intentionally underexpose the subject a little bit. Furthermore, there are many tools available as well that can help you to get your exposure right in the final outcome.

#7. Silhouettes Rock
Capturing silhouettes is a fun and they also impart a unique surreal look to your photographs. While on beach, you just need to meter for the sky and start shooting. It is a sensational idea to capture vivid colors of the sky just around sunset as it makes your subject pop. If you manage to take really good silhouette photography, you can also use them for other purposes like converting that photo to canvas print and hang it on the wall of your room.

It is nice to take family photographs while enjoying the summers at the beach as they will help you to immortalize those happy moments forever. In this regard, above mentioned tips will definitely help you next time you decide to go to the beach and take some photographs.
About the author: Anthony Powell is a professional photogrpaher and writes on the behalf of an online home decor store. He mostly comments on best photography tips and how people can use their photographs for various purposes.