How to Start a Career in Photography

camera and laptop

The prospect of becoming a professional photographer can appear daunting. However, with the sheer abundance of resources, knowledge, and tutorials to be found for this creative field, jump-starting a career has never been simpler. But that isn’t to say it’s easy; on the contrary, it can be more than a little challenging to stand out amidst its highly competitive and talented crowd.

camera and laptop

To help you out, we’ll cover everything you need to know on how you can turn your passion for photography into a successful career.

Find your preferred niche

Whether you’re into landscape photography, a portrait specialist, or an expert in taking photos for special occasions like weddings, you must be clear about your offerings to succeed as a photographer. Not everyone can specialize in every field, after all. And having a preferred niche or set genre can help you solidify the foundations of your brand. Moreover, it can help you focus your efforts on marketing to the intended audience and refine your style.

It’s also a good idea to incorporate your chosen niche into the name of your photography brand. Doing so won’t just set you apart from your competitors, but will also show prospective clients what area of your profession you specialize in.

Create a portfolio

A portfolio is important to any photographer because it allows them to show potential clients what they can do. For this reason, you’ll want to build yours up and work on photos that reflect the specific style you’re looking to do on regular shoots. Since it’ll be your primary selling point, it’s also wise to use only your best photos. If you don’t, there’s a chance that you may turn people off instead of drawing them into your business.

It may sound like a lot of trouble, but having a comprehensive portfolio is something that every successful photographer should have. It’s also not as complicated nor costly as you might think since you can upload your photos on your social media accounts. My Social Book can print Instagram photos and turn them into a physical photobook for you.

Don’t forget to include your rates

Few things are more unprofessional than failing to include the rates for your services. Therefore, you must have a clear outline of all your packages’ prices and what they include. You can list this on your website and social media accounts. In this way, your target market will be able to make a decision much quicker than they otherwise would have.

Online marketing is key

One of the most challenging aspects of being a photographer is the competition. With so many other professional photographers vying for the same market, you’ll fall short if you fail to market your brand effectively. So be sure that you do. From adopting search engine optimization practices and publishing quality content to being active on social media, stepping up your efforts in marketing yourself online will help you thrive and grow in the trade.


It’s much easier to begin a career in photography today than it ever has in the past, thanks in no small part to modern technology. However, it still comes with its fair share of challenges. But by keeping the abovementioned practices in mind, you’ll give yourself a much better chance of reeling in clients and thriving in the industry.

Click the following link to learn how to take your photography career to new heights.

By Nicholas

Nicholas is a staff writer at Photodoto. His interests include photography, collecting cameras old and new, video editing, and all things 3d. If a new gadget comes out on the market, he's sure to be the first to try it. He enjoys experimenting with low light photography, very long exposures and high speed filming.

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