Recommended Photography Gear
Gear we use & gear we wish we were using
Photodoto is run by a team of professional photographers, so there’s no surprise that we have years of experience with all kinds of photography gear.
We’re glad to share our recommendations here with you, for the quality of your setup is essential in your path to becoming a superstar photographer.
You’ll be pleased to know that our recommendations are 100% honest and not affected by any third parties. We may also get a small commission from Amazon if you buy from them what we recommend. So it is in our interest to recommend you only the best gear.

Recommended Gear
We’re trying to keep this list up-to-date with all the latest photography gear that’s being released. Most of the items were personally tested by members of the Photodoto team while some of the recommendations are based on consumer feedback.

Gift Ideas
Coming up with gift ideas has always been a pain for most people. That’s why we decided to offer our own, hand-picked selections of super-awesome items that will make perfect gifts for anyone.

Other Posts You Don’t Want to Miss
We have tons of gear-related articles at Photodoto, but the ones below deserve your attention above all. This list gets updated once we publish new killer articles, so make sure you come back again.