Nikon D750: Answers to Your Real Questions

Whether you’ve just purchased the Nikon D750 or you’re still in the research phase, you likely already know this is a DSLR with an amazing price point. It’s still one of the top rated cameras, even after more than 5 years on the market.

Lightweight and extremely reliable, with excellent dynamic range, the Nikon D750 is a full frame DSLR camera that takes great photos and video. With the majority of my work in lifestyle photography, its performance at high ISOs is one of my favorite features. Once you’re actually using the camera though, you’re likely left with a few more questions about how to get the most out of the D750.

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As professional photographer who has shot with this incredible camera for more than 5 years, I have answers to your real questions about the Nikon D750.

Continue reading Nikon D750: Answers to Your Real Questions

10 Essential Little Items To Help You Shoot On-Location

In the past, we have talked a lot about the big, important items of gear every photographer needs- like a Camera or a proper case to transport it.


Today’s post however is dedicated to all the items that don’t seem like they can make a big difference. But trust me, they do.

Continue reading 10 Essential Little Items To Help You Shoot On-Location