Essential Photography Business Kit: 5 Things to Keep Handy at All Times

Even if you don’t have a business plan, or much of a business to speak of, if you’re going to be or already are a professional photographer, there are certain things you will need and often will be asked for over and over again.

Luckily, you don’t have to do extra work every time to meet these needs — instead, you can put them together once and keep them handy, like tools in a handyman’s box, ready to be pulled out and tweaked whenever they’re necessary.

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5 Psychology Studies to Make Your Photography Business More Effective

The vast majority of marketers are not psychologists, but they do know how to apply psychology studies to attract and engage customers. This is not some kind of special knowledge or secrets of the Mayans – it’s quite obvious things you might have never been thinking about.

I’ve been putting together five psychology studies and wanting to make us better marketers and people, too. Here are 5 psychology studies that would make your photography business marketing smarter and more effective.

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SEO For Photographers, Part 2: Where To Use Your Keywords

If you’re serious about being in the photography business to make money, then you’ll definitely want your website to be found easily by the people who are looking for your type of services, which means paying close attention to search engine optimization. SEO for photographers can sometimes be a challenge, but that need not be the case.

When used correctly, SEO can help to bring the right customers straight to your door – people who are searching for exactly what you offer, and who are ready to buy from you.

To do that, you must adopt a strategic approach to ensure that every page of your photography website is properly optimized for those keywords important to your business,  and we talked about how to perform keyword research in the previous article in the series (SEO For Photographers Part 1: What Are People Looking For?).

But when you’ve identified the keywords and phrases you want to rank for, how and where do you deploy them to your website for the best effect?

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SEO For Photographers Part 1: What Are People Looking For?

Google hates me!” is something I hear almost every day from photographers who come to me for help with their websites, and especially for the answer to the question, “why can’t anyone find me in the search engines?” In short, SEO for photographers is something a lot of people appear to be struggling with!

Their concern is very real, and they are by no means alone.

Continue reading SEO For Photographers Part 1: What Are People Looking For?